
Stamp - Ambition and Perseverance

Rotate - Versatility

AR with Marker

AR Possible Interactions

AR Animation

Stamp - trials and experiments

Rotate - trials and experiments

Typography in the AR


This projects consists on the Aplication of Typography to the Augmented Reality Technology creating an interactive typography. The 3d objects were created in Blender and the Augmented reality integration was created by the "Augment" iOS app


Este projecto consiste na aplicação de Tipografia à tecnologia da Realidade Aumentada - Tipografia no AR - criando uma tipografia interactiva. Os objectos 3d foram criados no Blender e a integração com a Realidade Aumentada foi conseguida através da app para iOS "Augment".


Typography in Digital Media | Tipografia em Meios Digitais



123D Design, Actionscript, Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Ideas, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Arduino, Augment, Blender, Blinky, HTML & CSS, Java, Javascript, PHP & MySQL, Processing, Python