
Whole Earth Catalog (starting point)

Whole Earth Catalog (starting point)


Editorial Plan

Magazine/Website Cover

Illustration "Breaking the Wholesale Barrier"

Illustration "Tool Rentals"

Illustration "Incongruous Technology"

Illustration "Burning Wood"

Illustration "Solar Homes"

Illustration "Wind Power"


Interface Demo

Interface in Place

Interface Demo

"Form, Funciton and Design" Page

"Breaking the Wholesale Barrier" Page

"Burning Wood" Page


Operating Manual to

> Website


The purpose of this project is to create the second issue of "Operating Manual to MINDBLOW". This issue of the magazine is designed to be read on the kiosks' screens; these screens have the resolution of 1280x1024px and have a 1-point resistive touch screen.
The starting point of this publication is the seminal work "The Whole Earth Catalogue" by Stewart Brand and the Target Audience is all the creative community of the Department of Computer Science of UC.
The magazine features 15 articles developed from existing editions (TWEC)1969, (TLWEC)1971, (TNWEC)1980.
The articles were organised under editorial sections, namely: Design, Tools, Society, Sustainability and Energy. Each of the 6 articles has an original illustration which were later animated.
The interface with the magazine is carried out through a device that has a 8x8 array of illuminated buttons programmed with Arduino; this interface (inspired by Monome project) aims to attract people passing by and enables a more intuitive and direct navigation with the magazine.


Este projeto consiste na criação do segundo número da revista “Operating Manual to MINDBLOW”. Esta edição da revista foi desenhada para ser lida nos ecrãs dos kiosks do Departamento de Engenharia Informática; estes ecrãs possuem o formato de 1280x1024px e são dotados da funcionalidade de toque resistivo de 1 ponto.
O Ponto de partida desta publicação é a obra seminal “The Whole Earth Catalogue” de Stewart Brand e o Publico alvo é toda a comunidade criativa do DEI.
A revista possui 15 artigos desenvolvidos a partir das existentes edições de (TWEC)1969, (TLWEC)1971, (TNWEC)1980.
Os artigos foram organizados sob chancelas editoriais, nomeadamente: Design, Tools, Society, Sustainability e Energy. Foram posteriormente desenhadas 6 ilustrações para cada um dos artigos de fundo que foram posteriormente animadas.
A interface com a revista é realizada através de um dispositivo com uma matriz de 8x8 botões iluminados programado com Arduino; esta interface (inspirada no projeto Monome) pretende atrair os transeuntes do DEI para o kiosk e possibilita uma navegação mais intuitiva e directa com a revista.


Design III


HTML+CSS Javascript Adobe Ideas Processing Arduino

123D Design, Actionscript, Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Ideas, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Arduino, Augment, Blender, Blinky, HTML & CSS, Java, Javascript, PHP & MySQL, Processing, Python