
A Video Experiment (Flexipede Inside Out)

Original Flexipede Video (link) (link2)

Creation of the 3D version of the original Flexipede

Programming of the walk movement and the jumping legs

Development of the eating movement

Creation of the terrain and shader

Stages inside of the Flexipede

A Video Experiment
(Flexipede Inside Out)


The created application consists on a graphic exploration in Porcessing. This program is based on the premise of what would be the inside of a Flexipede, and what are the graphic capabilities of the Processing language.
The program is to be viewed as a video (like the original animation), however, as it was created in Processing the final result will differ every time it is viewed.


A aplicação desenvolvida consiste numa exploração gráfica em Processing. O que se pretendeu investigar foi o que seria o interior do Fexipede, assim como as capacidades gráficas do programa e da linguagem Processing. A aplicação pretende ser um video (como a animação original), no entanto por ser criado no Processing este video apresentará resultados diferentes cada vez que é visionado.


Computer Graphics | Computação Gráfica



123D Design, Actionscript, Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Ideas, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Arduino, Augment, Blender, Blinky, HTML & CSS, Java, Javascript, PHP & MySQL, Processing, Python