
IceCream Flavours

IceCream Flavours

IceCream Flavours

IceCream Flavours

IceCream Flavours

The Painter

The Painter

The Painter

The Painter

The Painter

Visual Metaphors


The two series of images (IceCream & The Painter) were created under the theme Visual Metaphors. The aim was to create images where the relocation of the objects questioned the observer leaving him puzzled.


As duas Séries de imagens (IceCream & The Painter) foram criadas no âmbito do tema Metáforas Visuais. O objectivo era criar imagens em que a deslocalização dos objectos representados criasse / questionasse o observador deixando-o perplexo.


Drawing | Desenho e Composição


Adobe IdeasAdobe Illustrator

123D Design, Actionscript, Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Ideas, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, Arduino, Augment, Blender, Blinky, HTML & CSS, Java, Javascript, PHP & MySQL, Processing, Python